Thursday, December 2, 2010

Just getting started.

So....the boring stuff:
I'm almost 40 and have been with my husband since 1989. We have 2 children. My son is almost 20 and my daughter just turned 18.
I've cross-stitched and crocheted for years and love both. A few years ago I decided I wanted to learn how to knit. I bought one of those "teach yourself" kits and became frustrated with it and gave up.
At the beginning of November my great friend asked me to take a knitting class with her at this really wonderful yarn shop.
1 month and 2 classes (2 sessions each class) later..........I'M HOOKED!!!!!
It has been so much fun.
I've made 3 stocking caps and 1 sock of a pair. LOL! I'm in the process of finishing the other sock.

This blog will show my projects in progress and I'm sure will include everyday life stuff.
I've never been good at keeping a journal type anything but I am hoping since this is easier to keep track of and add to that I'll be more diligent about posting.
I will be posting pictures of my projects in the next day or two.