Sunday, February 27, 2011

Current Project

This is my current project.
My second pair of socks.
Now cut me some slack. I'm still trying to learn how to do this blogging.
I've been looking at it for so long tonight that it's starting to confuse me. LOL

Happy knitting and blogging!!
Im trying to set up blogging from my phone. Lets see if this works!
Sent by a Cricket mobile device
--------------------------------------------- worked!!!!! How exciting!!! Now for pictures of the socks I'm currently working on!!!!
Thank goodness I can come back in on a computer and edit these postings!!!!

Happy knitting and blogging!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Back at it.

Well I had a computer crash and have not been able to get back to this till now. I also had to pack and move into our new house which put off my work on projects. But now I'm back at it.
Later today or tomorrow I am going to post some pictures. Some just for fun and some of projects I'm working on.
I'm still learning how to do all this blogging stuff and trying to attach it to other sites. So give me a little slack! :)